Hi! I'm Coco. |
As you know, we were Romeo's guardians at times when our daughter, Linda was unable to take him with her for certain business engagements and functions. From the time she adopted him, he was never, ever left alone, not at her home or at our home. He was either with her or with us. Our own dogs, Bonny, Heathcliff and Toby grew to love him so much and each 'reunion' was met with boundless joy on all sides. Romeo had been accompanying the big dogs for their daily run on the field when visiting us from the time we all felt it was 'safe' to take him i.e. after he'd completed his puppy vaccination programme and had grown a bit. At first, either Linda or I would accompany my husband and Romeo was kept on his leash at all times. Once the routine had been 'learnt' and Romeo knew the drill, we allowed him to run unhindered, as the field is safe and we were always right there to keep him in check. The Sheps spend their time chasing after and retrieving tennis balls, which my husband whacks hard and far with a tennis racquet. It's a game they love and it gives Toby, our 1 year old German Shepherd an excellent workout. Heathcliff (our own rescue dog) and Romeo would have great fun running about, sniffing and exploring, but always under the attentive and watchful eye of my husband. Romeo loved the freedom of being able to race and jump and dig, kick and dive headlong into the grassy mounds. He was a natural athlete and it was on the cards that he'd be taken to agility training once he was a bit older. Eventually we all seemed to have the routine down to a tee and my husband took over on his own, just as had been the case before Romeo joined our family. The big dogs would run up their ramp and travel safely secured in the canopied bay of our bakkie, while Romeo would sit up front with my husband in air-conditioned comfort, which he absolutely loved. Although our canopy windows have safety bars on the windows to prevent the big dogs from being able to hang out, the width was a little too wide to risk letting Romeo travel in there, too. We were not prepared to take any chances that he might have been able to push himself through the bars. The routine worked so well and they all had so much fun together, our little close-knit pack of four. They would return home ready for a swim on hot days, followed by breakfast and they'd all settle down for a nice nap afterwards.
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